put to bed - vertaling naar italiaans
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put to bed - vertaling naar italiaans

Tuck-in; Tuck in; Tucks in; Tucked in; Tucking in; Bed Time; Putting to bed; Put to bed; Puts to bed; Bedtimes; Bed-times; Bed times

put to bed         
mettere a letto; impaginare
put option         
European put option; Put options; American Put Option; European put; Long put; Short put
scelta di vendita cedibile ad un prezzo più alto di quello deciso in precedenza allo scopo di evitare la caduta nel tasso di cambio
sofa bed         
  • Pocket coil construction
Couch bed; Sofa-cum-Bed; Slide away bed; User:Kylenickell/Slide Away Bed; Sofabed; Convertisofa; Slide Away Bed; Sofa Bed Types; Pullout sofa; Sofa-bed; Pull-out sofa; Pull-out bed; Sleeping chair; Armchair bed; Chair bed
poltrona letto


¦ noun the bed or channel in which a river flows.



Bedtime (also called putting to bed or tucking in) is a ritual part of parenting to help children feel more secure and become accustomed to a more rigid schedule of sleep than they might prefer. The ritual of bedtime is aimed at facilitating the transition from wakefulness to sleep. It may involve bedtime stories, children's songs, nursery rhymes, bed-making and getting children to change into nightwear. In some religious households, prayers are said shortly before going to bed. Sleep training may be part of the bedtime ritual for babies and toddlers.

In adult use, the term means simply "time for bed", similar to curfew, as in "It's past my bedtime". Some people are accustomed to drinking a nightcap or herbal tea at bedtime. Sleeping coaches are also used to help individuals reach their bedtime goals. Researchers studying sleep are finding patterns revealing that cell phone use at night disturbs going to sleep at one's bedtime and achieving a good night's sleep.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor put to bed
1. been put to bed.
Broadway's Hand to God _ Bob Saget + more _ Talks at Google
2. They don't put to bed the problem.
George Nelson _ Talks at Google
3. like an American kid before being put to bed,
Stories, Film, and Culture _ Samba Gadjigo & Jason Silverman _ Talks at Google
4. put to bed asleep already, and also nap deprivation.
_ Talks at Google
5. And the label you have to put to bed at night, which
Unlabel _ Marc Ecko _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor put to bed
1. The government had hoped for a deal so the matter could be put to bed.
2. "Miles was spoken to about his behaviour and we considered it had been put to bed.
3. I was put to bed at one of my own parties for showing off too much.
4. The parents said Keithan disappeared sometime after he was put to bed Saturday night.
5. "I‘m not persuaded that this issue has been put to bed yet by the Bush administration," said David P.